Is This All There Is?

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a moment wondering if that moment was supposed to feel more important than it did?

A graduation. Moving to a new city. Owning a home. A new haircut. Getting a promotion. Finally being accepted by those people. A brand new car with the brand new car smell. Dating that person. A Dyson vacuum - oh Lordy - a DYSON!

How many times have you found yourself on the other side of an experience you believed would matter and you're unchanged?

And maybe you've thought - is this all there is?

If you're following along, you might see where I'm going with this. Of course this isn't all there is - of course there's something more! - Right?

That's been the response which has guided most of my adult life. That's what I try to help people see in workshops and speeches I deliver. No - this is not all there is! There's deeper magic at work here!

As of late, however, it's become clearer the answer to the question, "Is this all there is?" - is both no and yes:

No - this moment is not all there is

There's so much more to this moment than we can see. When you interact with someone it's more than a conversation, it's a moment of connection. When you speak with a client it's not just a weekly update, it's a reminder you're helping them find peace. When you attend a biology class it's not just another three credit hours, it's the opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself and meet someone who might need to be seen today.

Yes - this moment is all there is

You don't get another moment like this. You can't teleport to a better time or place. You can't leave now because it doesn't suit you. No amount of wishing or hoping can pluck you from the work you must do right here, in this moment. We only get one chance to participate fully in our lives and that chance is made available each passing second. We will die one day.

There is simultaneously a scarcity of time and an abundance of opportunity - locked within the same minutes. Those I've met who have lived the most meaningful lives endeavor to find the balance between unearthing the deep meaning from each moment with intention, and taking full advantage of each second with urgency - because we can't get a refund for the way we spend our days.

Is this all there is? Yes, you don't get any more time than anyone else - and - no, you can choose to see the profound richness of this moment with new eyes.

If you want to.


What We Were Made to Do


Finding Joy in the Inefficiency of Human Interactions