Telling Your Story: Evolving Past the Elevator Pitch



Most of us hate being asked what we do.

It feels like we're being sized up by whomever asked the question and we're never sure what we're supposed to say.

Here's the deal - saying the right thing has never been the issue - it has to do with what you believe about yourself and the person asking the question.

If you reframe the experience of being asked, "So..what do you do?" you can turn any networking conversation into a moment of true connection for both parties.

In this session we’ll:

  • Uncover what we're really afraid of when people ask us what we do

  • Understand what's really behind the question, "So...what do you do?”

  • Identify a meaningful purpose in our work and connect it to our personal lives

  • Build a better response to the question, "So...what do you do?"

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